Open houses will be held on the proposed development of the former Davis Tannery Property situated along the Cataraqui River at Rideau and River streets. They are:
Thurs, Dec 5, 4:30 – 6:30, Memorial Hall, City Hall
Tues, Dec 10, 6:30 – 8:30, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 560 on Montreal St. opp the entry to Belle Park
Local turtle researchers and advocates have serious concerns about the effect this development and its construction will have on turtle habitat. In the spring Northern Map Turtles and Painted turtles use this shoreline and the logs just off of it for basking. They congregate there in large numbers, easily 50 or more can be seen on a sunny day. Basking is very important for turtles, especially adult females who are developing eggs.
If you share these concerns, and/or have others such as the large number of trees that will be cut down, please consider attending one of the open houses.