(L to R) Olive-sided Flycatcher, Green Frog, Groundhog. Copyright Anthony Kaduck
The Kingston Study Area is home to an amazing variety of wildlife. Many KFN members regularly survey the wildlife, especially the birds, in the area surrounding the City of Kingston. Anyone can collect information on the species they observe. One way of doing that is to submit your observations to iNaturalist. For bird data, most birders send their observations to eBird. There is more information on eBird on the Birding in the Kingston Area page.
iNaturalist is a great place to upload and share your general observations – particularly those not covered below. Please visit the KFN iNaturalist Projects to view our ongoing and time-restricted (e.g. BioBlitzes) projects. Any observations you add to iNaturalist that meets the requirements will automatically be added to the appropriate project. The location of some Species at Risk is obscured by default, but you can also choose to obscure it for other reasons such as private property. You may also be interested in the NHIC Project. NHIC is the recognised body for the assimilation of Species at Risk data in Ontario.
Kingston sits astride the Atlantic Flyway, a major migration route. Millions of birds travel through the area enroute to their breeding grounds, and then return again in the autumn as they head back to their wintering areas. This makes the area one of Ontario’s premier birding destinations, and the KFN membership includes many keen birders. … Read more
Moths are a fascinating group of insects that are gaining in popularity with naturalists across North America. This is at least partially thanks to an increase in resources, both online and in print, that bring identification out of the realm of professional entomologists. Moths and their caterpillars literally come in all sorts of colours and … Read more
A list of all the Odonata species recorded in the Kingston Study Area is available as a Google Sheet: Odonata of the Kingston Study Area. Use the File menu to save a copy to your Google Sheets or download the sheet in a different format. Join or visit the KFN: Odonata project on iNaturalist. This … Read more
KFN encourages people to experience nature and does this partly by providing information about sightings of many species. In particular, notable bird sightings are reported in weekly summaries; members are also encouraged to report their sightings to eBird, “a real-time, online checklist program, that has revolutionized the way that the birding community reports and accesses … Read more
A list of all the butterfly species recorded in the Kingston Study Area is available as a Google Sheet: Butterflies of the Kingston Study Area. Use the File menu to save a copy to your Google Sheets or download the sheet in a different format. Join or visit the KFN: Butterfly project on iNaturalist. This collection project automatically … Read more
Wildlife in My Backyard Series
This series of articles by KFN member Sharon David describes how you can attract more wildlife to your backyard or property.