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News and Other Posts

Bioblitz (3) Christmas Bird Counts (3) Conservation (6) Field Trips (7) History of the Kingston Field Naturalists (8) Issues (10) KFN Events (3) KFN Outing Reports (2) Kingston Area Birds (93) News (59) Plants (1) Wildlife (8)

KFN Honours Martin Edwards

Nature reserve sign unveiling on Amherst Island (Kingston, Ontario, 2013-Aug-20) On Tuesday September 10, the Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) unveiled a sign at our nature reserve at the east end of Amherst Island. The sign names the property the “Martin Edwards Reserve” in honour of our recently departed, Honorary President. Dr Edwards was a world … Read more

Wind Farm Development and the KFN

This page is intended to inform the public and our club members of our thoughts, concerns, research and policy with regard to wind power development.  While the KFN realizes the need for alternate sources of energy other than carbon based fuels, it is clear that wind farms can also do great harm to the environment, … Read more

Short-eared Owl Surveys

To understand their population status and their wintering habitat needs, we developed a standardized, volunteer-based survey protocol to track Short-eared Owl wintering distribution and abundance on Amherst Island and Wolfe Island. The survey protocol involved recording all raptor species observed; in light of current concerns regarding the effects of wind farm development on the avian … Read more

Owl Woods Project Update

Out of growing concern over the impact people are having on Amherst Island’s Owl Woods, working with the various landowners and stakeholders,the Kingston Field Naturalists began a project to find ways to minimize this impact. We produced a management strategy for the property. The document we produced is considered as a guide and a springboard … Read more

History of the KFN 2000-2009

by Erwin Batalla This year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Kingston Field Naturalists (originally the Kingston Nature Club). Histories of the KFN were written on our 5th , 25th , 40th and 50th anniversaries, as well as on the occasion of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists conference in Kingston in 1982. … Read more

Part 2: Trees and Shrubs as Natural Food

by Sharon David Introduction In this article I will discuss the trees and shrubs that you can plant in your yard to enhance it’s wildlifeness and which will provide a natural food source for wildlife during the fall and winter months. Many people view trees and shrubs as privacy barriers and shade sources, and often … Read more

The Kingston Field Naturalists at 50 (1949 to 1999)

by Mike Evans In its fiftieth year, the Kingston Field Naturalists is pleased to host for the sixth time the annual conference of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. The last occasion on which the conference was held in Kingston marked the KFN’s fortieth anniversary. The special edition of The Blue Bill published for that conference … Read more
Common Redpolls at nyjer feeder.

Part 1: Attracting Winter Birds and Bird Feeding

by Sharon David and John McLaughlin Introduction In this article we discuss the different methods for attracting and keeping birds around during the fall and winter months. The three main things one needs to provide to keep birds during the winter are food, shelter and water. But why feed birds during the winter? Winter brings … Read more
Painted Lady on Butterfly Bush in garden

Part 3b: Attracting Butterflies

by Sharon David Butterflies Some people may not be enthusiastic about attracting butterflies and all of their life cycle stages to their garden, but butterflies add colour, movement and beauty to the garden. They are also beneficial pollinators for many of our favourite flowers. Butterflies are classified under Lepidoptera in the class of insects, and … Read more