KFN 75 Years Logo

News and Other Posts

Bioblitz (3) Christmas Bird Counts (3) Conservation (6) Field Trips (7) History of the Kingston Field Naturalists (8) Issues (10) KFN Events (3) KFN Outing Reports (2) Kingston Area Birds (93) News (59) Plants (1) Wildlife (8)

Bioblitz to be June 12-13

Do save June 12-13 to enjoy the BioBlitz with us at the new property of the Land Conservancy for KFLA. If you are interested in volunteering to help please contact Anne at 613 389 6742 or n8ture.anne@sympatico.ca. Tentative program and info sheet now available at the bottom of the homepage and on the event listing … Read more

Impact of Tannery Development

Open houses will be held on the proposed development of the former Davis Tannery Property situated along the Cataraqui River at Rideau and River streets. They are: Thurs, Dec 5, 4:30 – 6:30, Memorial Hall, City Hall Tues, Dec 10, 6:30 – 8:30, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 560 on Montreal St. opp the entry to … Read more

Chance for Input on Third Crossing Environmental Impact

The City of Kingston and project partners on the Third Crossing project have released their Detailed Impact Assessment (DIA) that will be submitted to Parks Canada for project approval. The public is encouraged to offer input on this important document that outlines construction details and the impact on wildlife, culture, water quality and more. The … Read more

KFN at 70

by Alexandra Simmons The idea of a nature club in Kingston was conceived by George Stirrett in March 1949, and the first general meeting of the Kingston Nature Club (now the Kingston Field Naturalists) took place in November of that year. So we are completing our 70th year this fall! Histories of the KFN at … Read more

Field Trip to Lennox GS

Lennox Generating Station (April 14 2019) By Kurt Hennige Despite 40 mm rain in the forecast, 29 people gathered in the parking lot at Ontario Power Generation property. Co-leader Mike Farrell, signed us all in and explained the safety regulation to all of us. While waiting, we watched the pair of Osprey on their nest … Read more

Environmental Impact of Third Crossing

The City has been informed that KFN members are concerned about the environmental impact of the work on the Third Crossing. In response to concerns about the impact on bats of tree removal, and that mitigating bat houses were not going to be installed until the Fall, the City has responded that: As part of … Read more

Lemoine Point Barn Swallows

The latest news regarding the Lemoine Point Barn Swallow Structure, is that when the CRCA inspected it, they found that a single nest had been used. The CRCA  has decided to leave the Swallow Structure as it is for 2019. Then, if there is no colonization during 2019, they will consider the installation of drop … Read more

Queen’s Fall Fungi Workshop

See attached poster for details on the Fabulous Fall Fungi Workshop being held three week-ends in September and October, or see qubs.ca

Belle Park Master Plan

New Information on Belle Park Master Plan OPEN HOUSE, 3-7:30pm Wednesday February 27th at the Rideau Heights Community Centre & Library 85 MacCauley St.