KFN 75 Years Logo

Welcome to the Kingston Field Naturalists

The Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) is a nature club and charitable organization, active since 1949. Its objectives are the preservation of wildlife and natural habitats, and the stimulation of people’s interest in nature.

The Club membership has a diversity of interests in nature, so a variety of activities take place year-round. Bird watching trips, nature rambles, wildflower walks and other field trips are led by knowledgeable individuals from both within and outside the Club. Each May the public is invited to join a series of bird walks.

Monthly meetings are normally open to both members and the public. They feature guest speakers including naturalists, scientists, conservationists and photographers who speak on a wide range of subjects. Meetings are currently in-person with an option to join via video conference.

Members regularly participate in hands-on conservation projects such as habitat stewardship and wildlife surveys.

Junior Naturalists Snowflake 2

Join or Donate

Buy or renew a membership in the Kingston Field Naturalists and/or contribute money to our goals of habitat preservation and education.

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Get Active

Participate in a meeting, a ramble, a field trip, a bird survey or another event. View the KFN calendar to see what is coming up.

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Get Involved

Running the club takes a lot of work which is made easier with more help. Volunteer to fill an executive position or help in other ways.

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Latest Posts

Part 2: Trees and Shrubs as Natural Food

by Sharon David Introduction In this article I will discuss the trees and shrubs that you can plant in your yard to enhance it’s wildlifeness … Read more

The Kingston Field Naturalists at 50 (1949 to 1999)

by Mike Evans In its fiftieth year, the Kingston Field Naturalists is pleased to host for the sixth time the annual conference of the Federation … Read more

Part 1: Attracting Winter Birds and Bird Feeding

by Sharon David and John McLaughlin Introduction In this article we discuss the different methods for attracting and keeping birds around during the fall and … Read more
Common Redpolls at nyjer feeder.

Part 4. Nest Boxes and Shelves

by Sharon David Introduction Most backyards lack dead trees, also called snags, or damaged live trees, which are needed by cavity nesting birds. But many … Read more
Eastern Screech Owl in Wood Duck box.

Part 3b: Attracting Butterflies

by Sharon David Butterflies Some people may not be enthusiastic about attracting butterflies and all of their life cycle stages to their garden, but butterflies … Read more
Painted Lady on Butterfly Bush in garden

Part 3a: Attracting Hummingbirds

by Sharon David Introduction In this part of Wildlife In My Backyard I will describe various gardens and flowers needed to attract hummingbirds and butterflies … Read more
Ruby-throated Hummingbird perched on branch