The Kingston Field Naturalists invite you to join us for our 26th BioBlitz — 14 and 15 June, 2024 at Avenstone near Camden East.
Our goal is to record 1,000 species in this 24-hour period.
We hope that it will be it a fun and educational event for everyone.
Our annual BioBlitz is an inventory of as many living things as can be identified within a 24-hour period in a defined area. It generates useful data for science and conservation and helps define the region’s biodiversity. Specialists from diverse disciplines will explore the area under investigation, and community individuals interested in natural history and the environment are encouraged to participate in this citizen-science activity to identify and count all types of plant and animal species as well as fungi, lichens, protista and chromista. Guided walks and social time are part of our plan.
The BioBlitz takes place at Avenstone from 3:00 pm on Friday 14 June to 3:00 pm on Saturday 15 June 2024. The event will run, rain or shine.
Avenstone is a private property that highlights a family’s land stewardship efforts for the past 50 years. It is near Camden East in Stone Mills Township and was originally BioBlitzed in 2009. You can find that report in the Blue Bill (September 2009) on the KFN website.
We are delighted that we can now return to Avenstone – a 122-acre (50-hectare) farm property that includes mixed forest, marsh, winding central stream, limestone ridges, re-forested plantings, environmentally protected lakefront wetland, hedgerows and cultivated fields. There are a number of diverse habitats to explore!
Registration is required. To register at the event, enter the BioBlitz base site at Avenstone, 393 Bethel Rd, Stone Mills Township on Friday 14 June between 2:30 pm and 9:00 pm or Saturday 15 June between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm.
For all observations, a minimum of the species name, observer, date, location observed (ideally GPS coordinates) and trail should be recorded. Applicable notes should be added.
Upon registration, a tally sheet and a map of the property will be provided. A tally will also be kept on the BioBlitz base site notice board so you may look at species already recorded and note those that may yet be found.
No collecting or wildlife handling is allowed unless preauthorized (which all group leaders will be). Photographs should be used wherever possible. We are requesting that all qualified observers prepare NHIC species occurrence forms for rare and declining species observed during this event. Forms will be available on request.
Please also tell us if you would like to be paired with another expert for your recording.
For this year’s BioBlitz there will be two options for submitting your species observations:
- Written records with your name must be handed in for species to be included in the final tally. Please return your final tally sheets and field notes to the base site before departure. Tally sheets will be copied and returned if you wish. A reward will be offered for checking out and returning tally sheets. Any species of note should be photographed and the site of observation GPS’d if possible.
- Digital submissions through eBird (for birds only) and/or iNaturalist are accepted. Both are free and easy to use but you will need to set up your own personal accounts. If you submit observations using, please share your checklists with the username Kingston FN. With, please join our project “Kingston Field Naturalists 2024 BioBlitz” at
Drive 15 minutes west of Kingston.
From Hwy 401 take Exit 593 onto County Road 4 North.
Drive to Camden East then continue north a further 1 km.
Turn east onto Bethel Road for 2 km to Avenstone at 393 Bethel Road, Stone Mills Township.
GPS location: 44.35087, -76.81816
- Your own meals and snacks including supper on Friday.
- Good walking boots for uneven terrain.
- Sunscreen, rain gear, insect repellant, hat, and a flashlight for night activities.
- Wear long pants to protect against Poison Ivy, deerflies and ticks.
- Tall boots, gaiters and/or 30% DEET also help protect against ticks.
- Your own clipboard, pen, checklist and field guides, binoculars and magnifiers.
- Cameras and GPS units are useful (but not required) to record rare species or ones needing identification.
- A whistle for emergencies is always a good idea.
- There is cell phone coverage at most of the site.
- Some potable water—please bring your own water bottle.
- A portable toilet.
- Primitive camping Friday night for specialists and volunteers—No services. No Fires. No generators.
- Pre-booking for camping is required. Contact Dave at
- Coffee on Saturday morning at 8:00 am—please bring your own mug.
- Children’s activities Saturday from 10 am until lunch—please be prepared to stay with your children.
- Recycling/composting containers will be available, but plan on taking your garbage home with you.
- BBQ lunch on Saturday at noon. There is no fee, but donations are appreciated.
NEARBY: Groceries at McCormick’s Country Store in Camden East or Lucky Dollar Store in Yarker.
Please be sensitive to the fact that this is private property. Try to keep the impact to a minimum and attempt to leave things as they were found. If you need to use a boat (canoe or kayak) to record species at the lake shoreline please make arrangements for transportation from the base site by texting Dave (613-331-4051) on Friday 14 or Saturday 15.
Please, NO DOGS at the event.
2:30 to 9:00 pm Registration
3:00 pm Send off
3:00 pm Introductory walk Jane Good
4:30 pm Fungi Louise Langlais
5:00 pm Trail cams, Janet Elliott
5:30 pm Supper (bring your own)
6:30 pm Invertebrates. Live traps and attractants. Brooks, Damon, Rose-Marie
7:00 pm Evening Bird Walk Phil Harvey
9:00 pm Moths David Bree, Rosemary Burke, Diane Lepage, Lyn Ovenden
8:00 am to 3:00 pm Registration
6:30 am Early morning bird walk. Erwin Batalla
8:00 am coffee
8:00 am Moth id David Bree and others
8:30 am Invertebrate attractant retrieval
9:00 am Beginning Birding Darren Rayner
9:30 am Snake board check Megan Snetsinger
10:00 am to noon Kids program Amanda Tracey (See separate list)
10:00 am Butterflies and Dragonflies Kathy Webb
12:00 pm BBQ
12:30 pm Words from Anne
1:00 pm Sedges Paul Mackenzie
1:30 pm All kinds of flies. Learn to photograph and identify with Kurt Hennige
2:00 pm Fish at the lake Mary Alice
3:00 pm Bioblitz ends
We look forward to this BioBlitz and hope you do as well. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested. Let us know if there is anything you might need that we could supply or if you would like to volunteer. And if you have expertise, please come and educate us!
Anne: or (h) 613-389-6742, (c) 613-985-8967
Erwin: or (h) 613-389-0144
Yours truly,
Anne Robertson, Coordinator