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Kingston Area Birds

Kingston Area Birds: 28th November – 4th December 2020

Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintains records in a 50km radius ofMacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share theirsightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email or send recordsdirectly to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings mayrequire review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Special Note re Owl Woods The … Read more

Kingston Area Birds: 21st – 27th November 2020

Compiled by Mark Read Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintains records in a 50km radius ofMacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share theirsightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email or send recordsdirectly to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings mayrequire review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Special Note … Read more

Kingston Area Birds: 14th – 20th November 2020

By Mark Read Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintains records in a 50km radius ofMacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share theirsightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email or send recordsdirectly to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings mayrequire review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Special Note re … Read more