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Publications and Merchandise



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The Blue Bill

The Blue Bill is the quarterly journal of the Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) published since 1954. It includes results of bird surveys, a report of the annual KFN BioBlitz, quarterly … Read more

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Kingston Field Naturalists general meetings are archived here for reference. Please use the minutes selector for older minutes. Most Recent Minutes The most recent minutes are from November … Read more


Bobolink and Meadowlark Habitat Selection Final Report, 2015, by Kurt Hennige

Report on Little Cataraqui Creek Wetland, West Side, Front Road to Bath Road, 2004 [ Low-Res PDF ] (Size: 1.8M) [ High-Res PDF ] (For good resolution on figures, Size: 7.88M) Copies may be accessed at the Kingston Frontenac Public Library and Queen’s University Libraries.

Potential Effects of Offshore Wind Turbines on Millions of Birds Migrating Across Eastern Lake Ontario near Main Duck Island, Kingston Field Naturalists, July 2012


Several books have been published through the Kingston Field Naturalists. They include:

  • History of the Birds of Kingston, Ontario by Helen Quilliam (1973)
  • Supplement to the History of the Birds of Kingston, Ontario by Helen Quilliam and Ron Weir (1980)
  • Birds of Prince Edward County by Ron Weir and Terry Sprague (1984)
  • Birds of the Kingston Region by Ron Weir (1989)
  • Birds of the Kingston Region, 2nd Edition by Ron Weir (2008)
  • Pictorial Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of the Kingston Region by John Poland (2011)

The books/booklets below are still available. Please see the description for each on how to acquire them.

The Birds of the Kingston Region by Ron Weir, Second Edition.

This 2008 publication, based on club observations, provides a description of and full species accounts of the 371 bird species that have been recorded in the Kingston 50 km circle. This book is still available and may be purchased at the Urban Nature store in Kingston located at 645 Gardiners Road.

Pictorial Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of the Kingston Region by John Poland (2011) 

This small pictorial guide is designed to fit in a pocket and be carried when out walking or hiking. The book contains photographs of all the butterflies currently found within a 50 km radius of Kingston together with 22 other species that one may come across. Butterflies are colour-coded to signify their abundance. This book is still available and may be purchased at the Urban Nature store in Kingston located at 645 Gardiners Road.

A Pictorial Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Kingston Area by Carol Seymour (2017)

This field guide contains photographs and short descriptions of the 106 species of odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) that can be seen in the Kingston area. This book is still available and may be purchased at the Urban Nature store in Kingston located at 645 Gardiners Road.


The Kingston Field Naturalist occasionally has branded merchandise for sale. Item availability is included in each description.


KFN Embroidered Crest

The Kingston Field Naturalists logo is available as an embroidered crest that can be glued or sewn onto hats, jackets, backpacks or anywhere you would like to display your affiliation.

KFN Logo T-Shirt

A small run of t-shirts featuring a large one-colour logo was made in 2023 in both a red (shown) and a green version. *Sold Out*

Car Decals

Car decals in both an inside-the-window and outside versions were made featuring the KFN logo. No longer available. *Sold Out*

KFN Merchandise Order Form

KFN Merchandise

*Note that we are only able to ship to Canadian addresses.

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