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The Blue Bill

The Blue Bill is the quarterly journal of the Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) published since 1954. It includes results of bird surveys, a report of the annual KFN BioBlitz, quarterly and annual summaries of bird species and numbers, annual summaries of butterfly and odonata species, reports from rambles, field trips and other outings, and articles and observations on natural history and conservation.

The Blue Bill accepts submissions of original articles from its members, the general public and Queen’s University students on topics of local interest.

The Blue Bill Selector

Latest issue: June 2024 (Volume 71, Number 2)

Many older issues of The Blue Bill are available here either because they were originally published as an electronic version (PDF) or the original paper version was scanned into a PDF. Please use the selector to open an issue. If you get a page not found message, that issue of the Blue Bill is not available.

The Blue Bill Selector

Submission Guidelines:

Submit the text of your article in Word, Open Document Format (.odt), or Plain Text. LaTeX markup may be used for text emphasis.

If your article includes a table, send it as a separate document in Excel, Open Document Format (.ods), or CSV even if it is contained in your text document.

Send images as separate files (e.g. png, jpg, gif) even if they are included in your text document. Please “attach” them to the email.

Crop images to show the subject and ensure they are a minimum of 1000 px wide for a column width photo and 2000 px wide for a page width photo.

Include a caption and credit or attribution for each image.

Verify common and scientific names with an up-to-date curated resource such as iNaturalist.ca.

Use LaTeX for mathematical notation.

Send submissions to the editor: editor@thebluebill.ca by the first of the month of publication (i.e., March 1, June 1, September 1, or December 1).