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Donations to the Kingston Field Naturalists

The Kingston Field Naturalists is a well-established nature club and charitable organization. Its objectives are both the preservation of wildlife and natural habitats and the stimulation of people’s interest in nature. Donations to the Kingston Field Naturalists are used to fulfill these objectives. A tour of the KFN website will inform you of its many conservation projects and the history of the club’s many achievements using the funds donated to us. The Club gives charitable receipts for income tax purposes for donations of $10 or more. Donations can be directed into two major funds: the General Fund and the Habitat Preservation Fund. These funds are described below:

KFN General Fund

The KFN General Fund is used to support many projects, such as population studies of local endangered species and our annual bioblitz. It also allows us to conduct natural history educational activities for both adults and children, to promote awareness of, and respect for wildlife and nature.

KFN Habitat Preservation Fund

The KFN Habitat Preservation Fund is used for the direct purchase and maintenance of land to preserve it for wildlife, or to enhance wildlife habitat on suitable public or private properties. Using contributions from this fund, we have participated in the purchase and preservation of several parcels of prime wildlife habitat, with partners such as Ontario Nature, the Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Nature Conservancy Canada and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority.

Donation Form

KFN Donation Form

Receipt Information



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